
Letter to Hollywood Producers

Dear People Who Make Movies for Kids, I just want to thank you for your recent movie "Curious George". I recently saw it again with my 4 year old son at a special "Summer Movie" screening in my town. It is possibly one of the silliest movies ever made, and I mean that in the best sense of the word. When you have an entire theater of 4 year olds laughing because George puts a sandwich on his head instead of the yellow hat, well, you know you've hit gold. Please make more movies like this. And stop making movies like Chicken Little. Chicken Little is, in a word, lame. And I don't mean that in the best sense of the word. I mean it's lame in the sense of "Who on earth thought that kids under the age of 6 would find a movie about scary aliens really fun?" And you know it's the kids under the age of 6 who are watching it, because the older kids have already figured out that it's lame. And what's with the whole complex family relationships you've got going in that show, huh? Like 4 year olds care about "closure" with their fathers, or can identify with deep seeded needs to prove themselves to fathers who just don't 'get' them. Again, those are issues that older kids are dealing with, and again, older kids ain't watchin' 'cause they're hip to your lameness. Please stop making movies like "Robots". It's a seriously creepy world with adult innuendos and constant jokes about a woman's robot butt. And the message of "You can shine whatever you're made of" just doesn't translate very well to a kid under 8. Refer to the above discussion about lameness regarding why kids over 8 aren't watching. And seriously, there ARE other actresses besides Joan Cusack who can be a character's voice. Besides, every time you use her, it confuses the kids because they keep saying stuff like, "Hey, it's Jessi! Is Bullseye in this movie, too? I want Woody!" And since there is nobody even half as cool as Buzz Lightyear in "Robots", you can see the mother's dilemma. Please note. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTERTAIN ADULTS WHEN YOU MAKE A MOVIE FOR KIDS! I am not offended when my kid is laughing at something I recognize as inane humor. I do not attend animated shows because I personally find them inspiring and uplifting and I'm intrigued by the computer graphics. I buy animated shows to keep my son from driving me up the wall. I go to theaters because it's too friggin' hot to take my kid anywhere else and the neighbors are tired of him knocking on their doors demanding to know when their kids will be home. I park him in front of the TV so I don't have to play lightsabers with him for the billionth time that day. These are my goals. Notice that "entertain myself" is not among them. And please don't make another movie where I have to explain why the Cat in the Hat says "Awkward!" when the boy tells him that the woman that made the kitty go "schwing" is his mother. And that was just from a preview. Sincerely yours, Curious George Fan


Blogger Eric Russell said...

I’m sorry, Heather, but movie studies DO have to entertain adults when making movies for children. Adults much prefer taking their kids to see the likes of Shrek when they know there will be content that will interest them as well. Movies that entertain adults as well as children make many times more money than those that don’t.

Dreamworks is the primary offender when it comes to including adult humor in their children’s films, but Blue Sky (Robots) has seemed to jump on board too. I agree that it’s unfortunate when they try to achieve adult interest through subtly lewd humor, as opposed to developing stories that will genuinely engage adults as well as children – as Pixar has. But again, it’s all about the money. Dreamworks’ quick and cheap style of sitcom-like humor allows them to significantly up their profit margin despite their weaker product.

7/28/2006 01:45:00 AM  
Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

Just to rock the boat. I LOVE CHICKEN LITTLE. "So I'll tell you what I want what I really really want." As for the little kids getting it. Well my 2 and my 3 year old LOVE this movie. They always go "poor chicken little, he's sad". and "Mommy, they're happy". Ane they LOVE it when Chicken Little is in his "panties". My daughter wanted to experiment with the whole clapping game Chicken Little and Kirby do. Did I mention I LOVE this show? It was totally made for the parents who were growing up in the 90s. It's hystarical. Sorry Heather LOOOOVE IT! Also unless I'm entertained by it you can forget my kids watching it.

My kids are also the ones going "no no no no no no no no" and "woo hoo" to the KT Tunstall's Black Horse and the Cherry Tree song.

7/28/2006 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't seen Cars yet, it was actually, my favorite Pixar movie to date....absolutly adorable, strong friendship themes like their past movies, and fabulous voice acting. I loved it! I have been absolutly DYING to see curious george (I don't even have kids...) as he was MY favorite when I was a little girl. I mean i was obsessed. I already have the soundtrack :)

7/28/2006 01:39:00 PM  
Blogger Kermit~the~Frog said...

We have the Chicken Little love here, too--all of us, ages 32, 28, 6, 3, and the baby. We bought "One Little Slip" on ITunes and the kids love to dance around to it. Neither of them noticed that "Jessie" was the voice of Abby Duckling, and TS2 is one of their favorite movies. Keep the sex out of the movies (and keep Shrek and Shark Tale out of my home) but bring the rest on.

Six-year-old and I are off to see Monster House today.

7/28/2006 03:09:00 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

Pixar tends to have a lot of pop culture references thrown in. I love that. You sit there trying to find something in the background because you just KNOW it's there. And kids love the bright colors and movement. It's win-win.
CG was the same to me, because it takes all the different stories you read as a kid and sneaks them into the movie. My boys have been ga-ga over george for years and now we can finally find more toys and clothes with his little mug on them. Added bonus to the movie.
Chicken Little scared my son. He's 4. And I think I'm the only one of my friends who didn't take my kid to see Pirates of the Carribean. You may say I'm sheltering him, but I just don't see the value in taking my preschooler to see an adult movie. Surprise and suspense are great, but unidentifiable scary things aren't really right for little kids.

7/29/2006 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE "Curious George." Finally, a movie for small children that is actually for small children! Also I found it pretty entertaining myself; George is pretty adorable most of the time. I'm going to buy it.

We haven't seen "Chicken Little" so I can't comment, but I really disliked "Shrek." All the lame donkey/ass jokes and pop-culture references (in a few years that will be so dated), not to mention the innuendo. And my husband and I went to see "Monster House" and it is indeed pretty scary; I wouldn't take younger children to it.

I don't take my kids to movies that are aimed more at adults than at small children. I don't take my kids to the movies very often.

7/29/2006 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must see this Curious George movie. I long for the movie that I can be comfortable watching with my 3 1/2 year old daughter. I don't mind the silliness - hey it might make her more tolerant of my own silly attempts at humor.

I brought the video of Chicken Little home to my daughter after much pleading and begging. We turned it off in the middle (when the aliens were chasing them in the field.) She was a bit traumatized and said that she really didn't like Chicken Little anytime we saw the poster around.

We had another incident today, in fact, with a Hello Kitty! movie. It was advertised as cute and turned out to be a bit dark and scary.

Please bring more non-adult friendly silly dribble to Hollywood. (as long as it is not Barney)

7/30/2006 03:17:00 AM  

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